
Williamson K, Lank PM, Olson N, and Lovell EO. Emergency Medicine In-Training Examination Scores are Not Associated with Burnout and Not Affected by the Introduction of a Wellness Curriculum. Journal of Wellness. 2023 Apr; 4(2)

Williamson K, Lank PM, Olson A, Cheema N, Lovell E. A Positive Depression Screen Is Associated with Emergency Medicine Resident Burnout and Is not Affected by the Implementation of a Wellness Curriculum. West J Emerg Med. 2021;22(6):1341-1346. Published 2021 Oct 26. doi:10.5811/westjem.2021.9.52016

Williamson KLank PM, Hartman ND, Lu DW, Wheaton N, Cash J, Branzetti J, Lovell EO, and the Emergency Medicine Education Research Alliance. The Implementation of a National Multi-Faceted Emergency Medicine Resident Wellness Curriculum is Not Associated with Changes in Burnout. AEM Education and Training. 2019 Oct 6;4(2):102-110.

Williamson KLank PM, Lovell EO, and the Emergency Medicine Research Alliance. Re: Development of an Emergency Medicine Wellness Curriculum. AEM Education and Training. 2019 Apr; 3(2): 202.

Williamson, K, Lank PM, Cheema N, Hartman N, Lovell EO, and the Emergency Medicine Education Research Alliance. Comparing the Maslach Burnout Inventory to Other Well-Being Instruments in Emergency Medicine Residents. J Grad Med Educ. 2018;10(5), 532-536.

Williamson K, Lank PM, Lovell EO, and the Emergency Medicine Education Research Alliance. Development of an Emergency Medicine Wellness Curriculum. Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training. 2017;2(1), 20-25.

EKG Teaching

Burns W, Hartman N, Weygandt P, et al.  Critical electrocardiogram curriculum: setting the standard for flipped-classroom EKG instruction.  Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 2019; 21(1): 52-57.

Hartman N, Wheaton N, Williamson K, Quattromani E, Branzetti J, Aldeen A. A Novel Tool For Assessment of Emergency Medicine Skill in Determining Diagnosis and Management for Emergency Electrocardiograms: A Multicenter Study. J Emerg Med. Sept 2016.


Olson, AS, Williamson, K, Hartman, Cheema, N, Olson N and the Emergency Medicine Education Research Alliance. The Correlation Between Emergency Medicine Residents’ Grit and Achievement. AEM Education and Training. 2019 Nov 3;4(1):24-29.

Olson, N, Olson, AS, Williamson, K, Hartman, N, Branzetti, J, Lank, P and the Emergency Medicine Education Research Alliance. Faculty-Assessment of Emergency Medicine Grit: A Multicenter Study. AEM Education and Training. 2018;00,1-8.

Foundations of Emergency Medicine

Jordan J, Wheaton N, Hartman N, et al.  Foundations of Emergency Medicine: Impact of a standardized, open access, core content curriculum on in-training exam scores.  Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2024 March 25;25(2):209–212. doi: 10.5811/westjem.18387

Moore KG, Ketterer A, Wheaton N, Weygandt PL, Caretta-Weyer HA, Berberian J, Jordan J; Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Open Access, Level-Specific, Core Content Curriculum for Emergency Medicine Residents. J Grad Med Educ 1 October 2021; 13 (5): 699–710. doi:

Situational Awareness/Patient Safety

Balhara KS, Olson N, Wilson JL, Ramos RG, Goode, HJ, Muck AE, Olson AS. Experiential Learning in Patient Safety: A Multi-Center Study Examining Emergency Medicine Residents' Situational Awareness of Hazards via Simulation. Cureus. 2022 14(10): e30648.


Olson AS, Li-Sauerwine S, Kraut AS, Burns W, Williamson K, Branzetti J, Hartman ND, Oskvarek JJ, Aldeen A, and the Emergency Medicine Research Alliance. Perceptions of the Current and Future Emergency Medicine Workforce. JACEP Open. 2024 Aug 25;5(5):e13279.

Li-Sauerwine S, Weygandt PL, Smylie L, Williamson K, Burns W, Ordonez E, Hartman ND, Chung AS, Ketterer AR, Jordan J. The more things change the more they stay the same: Factors influencing emergency medicine residency selection in the virtual era. Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training. 2023;7(6):e10921. Highlighted as the featured “Pick of the Month” by the Editor-in-Chief

Balhara,K, Irvin N, Zink KL, Mohan S, Olson AS, Tackett S, and the Emergency Medicine Education Research Alliance. A sorely neglected field: A multisite study of self-reported humanities exposure among emergency medicine residents.  AEM Educ Train. 2022 Jun 29;6)30:E10772.

Ketterer AR, Poland S, Ray K, Abuhasira R, Aldeen, AZ. Emergency Providers’ Familiarity with Firearms: A National Survey. Acad Emerg Med. 2020 Mar;27(3):185-194.

Williamson, K, Branzetti J, Cheema N, Aldeen A, and the Emergency Medicine Education Research Alliance. Emergency Medicine Residencies Structure of Trainees’ Administrative Experience: A Cross-Sectional Survey. World J Emerg Med. 2018;9(3), 187-190.

Williamson K, Quattromani E, Aldeen AThe problem resident guide. J Internal Emerg Med. Apr 2016.

Aldeen A, Quattromani E, Hartman N, Wheaton N, Branzetti J. Faculty prediction of in-training examination scores of emergency medicine residents: a multi-center study. J Emerg Med. Jul 2015.

Aldeen A, Hartman N, Segura A, Phull A, Shaw D, Chiampas G, Courtney D. Video self-instruction for police officers in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillators. Prehosp Disaster Med. Jul 2013.

Goyal N, Aldeen A, Leone K, Ilgen J, Branzetti J, Kessler, C. Assessing medical knowledge of emergency medicine residents. Acad Emerg Med. Dec 2012.

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