
Williamson KLank PM, Lovell EO, and the Emergency Medicine Education Research Alliance. Positive Depression Screen Associated with EM Resident Burnout and Not Affected by a Wellness Curriculum. Poster Presentation. SAEM Scientific Assembly. Las Vegas, NV. May 2019.

Williamson K, Lank PM, Lovell EO, and the Emergency Medicine Education Research Alliance. “Emergency Medicine Resident Perceptions about a National Multi-Faceted Wellness Curriculum. Moderated oral presentation. ACEP Scientific Assembly. San Diego, CA. October 2018.

Williamson K, Lank PM, Lovell EO, and the Emergency Medicine Education Research Alliance. “Institution of a National Multi-Faceted Emergency Medicine Wellness Curriculum is Not Associated with Changes in Burnout Scores.” Moderated oral presentation. ACEP Scientific Assembly. San Diego, CA. October 2018.

Williamson, K, Lank PM, Lovell EO, and the Emergency Medicine Education Research Alliance. "Emergency Medicine Resident Perceptions about Physician Wellness Education." Oral presentation. ACEP Scientific Assembly, Washington, DC. October 2017.   

Williamson, K, Lank PM, Lovell EO, and the Emergency Medicine Education Research Alliance. "Global Assessment of Resident Wellness: Comparing the Maslach Burnout Inventory with Additional Validated Wellness Instruments." Moderated oral presentation. ACEP Scientific Assembly, Washington, DC. October 2017.

EKG Teaching

Burns W, Weygandt PL, Caretta-Weyer H, Hartman N and Grabow Moore K.  STEMI or not STEMI: EKG assessment and screening responsibilities among emergency medicine residency programs.  [Abstract] Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 2020; 21(4.1S): S27.

Hartman ND, Wheaton NB, Williamson K, Quattromani EN, Branzetti JB, and Aldeen A. Assessment of EM Resident Skill in Determining Diagnosis and Management of Emergent Electrocardiograms: a Multicenter Study. Poster Presentation. ACEP Academic Assembly. Boston, MA. October 2015. 


Olson, N, Williamson, K, Hartman, N, Cheema, N, Olson, A. The Correlation of Emergency Medicine Residents’ Grit and Non-Cognitive Characteristics. Oral presentation. CORD Academic Assembly. Seattle, WA. March 2019.

Olson, A, Williamson, K, Hartman, N, Cheema, N, Olson, N.The Correlation of Emergency Medicine Residents’ Grit and Achievement. Oral presentation. CORD Academic Assembly. Seattle, WA. March 2019.

Olson, N, Olson A, Lank, P, Williamson, K, Hartman, N, Branzetti, J. “Correlation Between Emergency Medicine Resident Self-Assessed and Faculty-Assessed Grit-S Scores.” Moderated poster presentation. CORD Academic Assembly, San Antonio, TX. April 2018.

Foundations of Emergency Medicine

Burns W, Jones S, Caretta-Weyer H, Weygandt P, Hartman N and Grabow Moore K.  Foundations EKG I and EKG II: Open-access flipped-classroom critical EKG curricula.  [Abstract] Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 2019; 20(S): S42-43.

Situational Awareness/Patient Safety

Morrone C, Battaglia M, Balhara K, Olson N, Hartman N and Olson AS.  Impact of a simulation-based patient safety intervention on self-reported and objective measures of situational awareness. [Abstract] Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 2023; 24(3.1): S22.  

Battaglia M, Morrone C, Hartman N, et al.  Assessment of emergency medicine residents’ situational awareness and perception of patient safety culture in the emergency department.  [Abstract] Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 2022; 23(4.1): S35. 

Morrone C, Battaglia, M, Balhara K, Olson N, Olson A and Hartman N.  An experiential learning curriculum to enhance emergency medicine residents’ situational awareness of patient safety hazards.  [Abstract] Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 2022; 23(4.1): S35. 


Ketterer, A. A simulation-based curriculum on best practices for firearms safety. Educational Soundbites Oral Presentation. CORD Academic Assembly, Seattle, WA. March 2019.

Williamson K, Cheema N, Branzetti J, and Aldeen A. "How do emergency medicine residencies structure trainees' administrative experience: a survey." Moderated poster. CORD-EM Academic Assembly, Fort Lauderdale, FL.  April 2017.

Wheaton, N, Cheema, N, Williamson, K, Aldeen, A, Branzetti, J. How Do Emergency Medicine Residencies Structure Trainees' Administrative Experience: A Survey. Poster Presentation. Great Plains Regional Meeting of SAEM. Iowa City, IA. September 2016.

Williamson K, Aldeen AZ, Quattromani EN, , Hartman ND, Wheaton NB, Branzetti JB. Faculty Prediction of In-Training Examination Scores of Emergency Medicine Residents: A Multicenter Study.  Poster Presentation. CORD-EM Academic Assembly. Phoenix AZ. April 2015.

Williamson K, Quattromani E, Aldeen A, The problem resident behavior guide: strategies for remediation. Moderated poster. ACEP Scientific Assembly. Chicago, IL October 2014. 

Williamson K, Quattromani E, Aldeen A, The problem resident behavior guide: strategies for remediation. Moderated poster. CORD-EM Scientific Assembly. New Orleans, LA. March 2014.